Doing the right thing, especially in the face of temptations to do otherwise, was the WASP test par excellence. 做正确的事情,尤其在面对其它选择诱惑的时候做正确的事情,是对WASP最大的考验。
Many of the choices we face in the new year will be between alternatives that are on a par. 我们在新年伊始面临的许多选择都是平分秋色的选项。
The face a-mount or par value is the amount that the bond issuer has agreed to repay. 债券的面值是发行债券的机构承诺偿还的金额。
If the share is at its face value it is said to be at par. 如果股票的市价与面值相等则称为持平。
Issued common stock for$ 10, the face value is$ 120, the pairing capital in excess of par value is$ 10. 发行普通股票10美元,面值为120美元,超面值交入10美元。
A bond or preferred stock which is selling at a price equal its face ( or par) value. 指的是债券或优先股按照等同于面值的价格出售。